Stacking, scraping, shoveling
The foundering
The Kepler Track: Days 3 and 4
The Kepler Track: Day 2
The Kepler Track: Day 1
The Kepler Track: Trouble on Day 0
Poke the wound
Whisper sting
The decision maker
The sentient pound cake
The Internet is coming
With chickens, it's complicated
Close your eyes and shout
Delivery day
The unwilling midwife
Origin Story Part 4: In the garden
Origin Story Part 3: Raising the barn
Origin Story, Part 2: Renovations
Origin Story, Part 1: Buying the farm
In the depths
My grandmother was a terrible cook
The sheep were not my idea
Sad on purpose
We lived in trees
And yet I keep them.
Yes, and...
Nothing precious, nothing perfect